Schierke, the Schierker Feuerstein Arena and the Zum Wildbach holiday resort: A winter fairy tale in the Harz

Schierke – a winter wonderland in the Harz

Schierke, an idyllic district of Wernigerode, is a popular desti­na­tion for tourists, especially during the winter months. Nestled in the picturesque landscape of the Harz, the place offers a variety of leisure activ­i­ties and a breath­tak­ing natural backdrop. With the Schierker Feuer­stein Arena and the Zum Wildbach holiday resort, Schierke has two special attrac­tions that make the stay an unfor­get­table experience. 

Winter in Schierke, Harz

The Schierker Feuerstein Arena – an icy delight

The Schierker Feuer­stein Arena is a modern multi-functional arena that evolved from a former natural ice stadium. In winter, it trans­forms into a huge ice surface where ice skating enthu­si­asts can take their rounds. Whether it’s leisurely ice skating, excit­ing ice hockey or socia­ble curling – every­one will find their suitable activ­ity here. Regular ice discos create a lively atmos­phere and invite you to dance. 

Schierker Feuerstein Arena in winter

What makes the Schierke Feuerstein Arena so special:

  • Versa­tile activ­i­ties: In addition to ice skating, there are numer­ous other offer­ings such as ice hockey, curling, and special events.
  • Modern equip­ment: The arena has a modern infra­struc­ture and offers a high level of comfort for visitors.
  • Scenery: The arena is embed­ded in the beauti­ful landscape of the Harz and offers an impres­sive view.
  • Year-round use: Even in summer, various events take place in the arena, such as concerts, theater perfor­mances, and children’s festivals.

Zum Wildbach holiday resort – your accommodation in the Harz

The Zum Wildbach holiday resort is the ideal start­ing point for a vacation in Schierke. The cozy holiday apart­ments offer all the comfort you need for a relax­ing stay. The location right on the edge of the forest allows you to experi­ence nature up close. 

What distinguishes the Zum Wildbach holiday resort:

  • Quiet location: Relax in the midst of nature and enjoy the tranquil­ity of the Harz.
  • Comfort­able ameni­ties: The holiday apart­ments are modernly furnished and offer every­thing you need for a pleas­ant stay.
  • Diverse leisure activ­i­ties: The resort offers numer­ous leisure oppor­tu­ni­ties such as a children’s playground, a barbe­cue area, and a common room.
  • Ideal start­ing point: From the holiday resort, you can under­take numer­ous hikes and excur­sions in the surround­ing area.
Winter on the Brocken

Schierke – more than just winter

Of course, Schierke has much to offer outside the winter months as well. In summer, numer­ous hiking trails and cycling routes invite you to take event­ful tours. The surround­ing area offers a variety of attrac­tions, such as Wernigerode Castle or the Harz National Park. 

Harz narrow gauge railroad on the Brocken mountain
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