
Schierker Winter Sports Weeks

Our winter sports weeks take place from January 25 to Febru­ary 8, 2025:  Cross-country skiing, ice hockey, igloo festi­val, snowshoe tours, ice stock sport, biathlon taster, ice disco, ice carni­val, etc. Detailed and current infor­ma­tion at:

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Schnee,Winter,Schierke,Harz,Feuerstein Arena

Schierke, the Schierker Feuerstein Arena and the Zum Wildbach holiday resort: A winter fairy tale in the Harz

Contents Schierke – a winter wonder­land in the Harz The Schierker Feuer­stein Arena – an icy delight What makes the Schierke Feuer­stein Arena so special: Zum Wildbach holiday resort – your accom­mo­da­tion in the Harz What distin­guishes the Zum Wildbach holiday resort:…

read more »Schierke, the Schierker Feuerstein Arena and the Zum Wildbach holiday resort: A winter fairy tale in the Harz

Discover our holiday apartments and rooms in Schierke: Close to the Brocken and the Harz Narrow Gauge Railway

Contents Schierke and the Harz Narrow Gauge Railway The Harz Narrow Gauge Railway (HSB) Highlights of the HSB: Activ­i­ties in Schierke Your accom­mo­da­tion: The holiday resort ‘Zum Wildbach’ Why choose the holiday resort ‘Zum Wildbach’? Culinary Delights Your stay at the…

read more »Discover our holiday apartments and rooms in Schierke: Close to the Brocken and the Harz Narrow Gauge Railway
Übergabe des HolidayCheck Award 2024 in Schierke.

HolidayCheck AWARD 2024

Dear guests, This week, we were delighted to receive another award for our hotel — the Holiday­Check Award 2024. The award was presented to us by Dragan Zovko, Senior Area Sales Manager at Holiday­Check. It is once again a great honor…

read more »HolidayCheck AWARD 2024
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