We are once again the guest favorite 2023 Copy

As in the previ­ous year, we have been named Guest Favorite 2023.
We won the state award and the Harz regional award in the “Holiday apart­ment” category and are partic­u­larly pleased about this great award.

We would of course like to take this oppor­tu­nity to thank our team, who make our resort what it is. 

Photo: IMG/Jan Sobotka
HolidayCheck Special Award 2023

But without you — our guests — this would not be possi­ble. As always, we try to offer you the best service, but we are just as happy to listen to your feedback and accept new ideas and requests.

Your consis­tently positive reviews have also enabled us to receive another award from Holiday Check. As in the previ­ous year, we are partic­u­larly pleased about this.

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