Hire of mountain bikes, e‑bikes, cross-country skis & sledges

Our rental station has different offers for you depending on the season.

Depend­ing on the season and weather condi­tions, we have various mountain bikes & e‑mountain bikes, e‑trekking bikes, hiking poles or cross-country skis & sledges avail­able for an unfor­get­table day of sport.

You can also rent trail­ers for children or four-legged friends, as well as handcarts. Cycling and hiking maps can also be purchased from us.

Please note

Our rental shop is open Monday — Sunday from 8.30 — 17.00.

A deposit of 25 euros per bike/trailer is payable in cash on site. A valid identity card/passport is required for borrowing.

Online booking:
To see the avail­able bikes, please select the pickup and return date first. You can find a recom­men­da­tion on which frame size you need under the respec­tive bikes. The rental day is the respec­tive calen­dar day.

Please note

You can hire our cross-country skis and sledgesfrom Monday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. if there is enough snow. It would also be helpful to state your body and shoe size.

Untouched nature, great paths and trails as well as rushing mountain streams make the excur­sion by bike a great experi­ence during your vacation. Schierke with the adjacent Harz National Park is famous and well-known among all nature lovers because of its diver­sity in the forests. A tour of the Brocken by bike is a must.

In winter Schierke offers ideal cross-country skiing condi­tions. You will find a winter sports area with groomed cross-country ski trails, several tobog­gan runs and numer­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties for winter hiking.

Our favorite tour around Schierke

Do you already know all the cliffs around Schierke?
Many of these ruggedly beauti­ful forma­tions can be conquered by two-wheeler and the beauti­ful views of Schierke and the Harz Mountains can be enjoyed. 

Follow us!

Vacation complex “Zum Wildbach” — Schierke train station — Spinne — Glashüt­ten­weg — Erdbeerkopf — Ahren­sklint — Schulungsklippe — chapel on to the Brocken children — Urwald­stieg — Brock­en­straße in the direc­tion of Brocken — branch off Goetheweg or onto our local mountain Brocken — Dreieck­iger Pfahl — Ulmer Weg via Loipen­haus — Spechtweg — Gestell­weg — Schnar­cherk­lip­pen — Mausek­lip­pen — Holiday complex “Zum Wildbach”.

We will be happy to provide you with many other tour recom­men­da­tions upon request.


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