All in family

Our family-friendly vacation resort “Zum Wildbach” is a dynamic family business with all comforts and is one of the most beauti­ful vacation domiciles in the Upper Harz, near the color­ful town of Wernigerode.

It was newly built in 2003 and ceremo­ni­ally opened on 19.12.2003. With this, Daniela and Marius Michael fulfilled a long-cherished dream. Son Kevin was already there and loved what his parents had created.

In Decem­ber 2006, the vacation complex was expanded with the Kirch­blick house with four very bright vacation apart­ments. This house is located in the same street, just a few meters away. At the same place another house Kirch­blick with four vacation apart­ments in the same style could be estab­lished in Decem­ber 2008.

In June 2011, the Michael family completed the construc­tion of the loving resort with an additional house on the same plot. Four apart­ments have been created here — two of which are handi­capped acces­si­ble and one with three separate bedrooms.

In our inn “Zur Klippe you enjoy the advan­tages of a home-style cuisine with tasty dishes typical for the Harz Mountains in a cozy rustic ambience.

Hello, I'm Anton and I can help you.