We support the “First aiders of tomorrow” project for children in the Harz region

We are pleased to support the book project “First Aiders of Tomor­row” published by KL-Verlag (“Kinder& Lernen”) in cooper­a­tion with the Johan­niter.
Thanks to the sponsors, it was possi­ble to revise and print the book both graph­i­cally and in terms of content. 

About the project:

Anyone can help — regard­less of age!

In order to become famil­iar with the content and topics of first aid at an early age and to become a “first aider of
children in special courses at day-care centers to help them become “tomorrow’s
and elemen­tary school. Our trained instruc­tors will teach you the basics after a
nation­wide standard­ized train­ing concept in age-appro­pri­ate method­ol­ogy impor­tant basic knowl­edge
on first aid and how to act correctly in emergencies.

Children learn very quickly at this age and are motivated to help others. Through the paint­ing and
workbook, the children are intro­duced to the topics of first aid, bodily functions and
and playfully intro­duced to road safety and practiced the right way to drive.
Behav­ior. You will learn how to take initial action in emergen­cies. self-confi­dence becomes
and they lose their fear of helping.

Johan­niter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. Region­alver­band Magdeburg/Börde/Harz, in cooper­a­tion with
K&L Verlag from Detmold a color­ing and workbook to support the train­ing courses.
children aged 4–11 years with the title “First aiders of tomor­row”. The books
will be printed after the search for sponsors and distrib­uted free of charge as part of the train­ing.
children in daycare centers and elemen­tary schools.

With the redesign of the book, we have redrawn loving illus­tra­tions and
impor­tant learn­ing content. The digital approach directly in the book is also new. With the new
content such as videos or learn­ing success checks, using the latest augmented reality (AR) technol­ogy. and the free First Aiders of Tomor­row app, the books become 

an inspir­ing experi­ence for the children. This ensures that our children’s atten­tion
and the learn­ing content is better under­stood and deepened.
Today we are asking you to support this valuable teach­ing mater­ial. Because
Only with your support can we provide children from our region with the new.
inter­ac­tive “First Aiders of Tomor­row” books and the First Aiders of Tomor­row app.

Hello, I'm Anton and I can help you.