We have received the HolidayCheck SPECIAL AWARD 2022

Dear guests,

we still can’t believe it!!

Through you, dear guests, we were awarded the “Holiday­Check SPECIAL AWARD 2022” on Febru­ary 9, 2022 and on Novem­ber 7, 2022 we were surprised again with a great award:
We have become regional and state winners in the category vacation apart­ment!
Also for this very big thanks to ALL!

We are ALL mighty proud to be able to receive these great awards through your reviews! A very big thank you to our entire team, without you this would not be possi­ble! Thank you for all of us pulling together during this diffi­cult time …for the benefit of our guests!

We continue at this point and look forward to great times with our guests at the vacation resort Zum Wildbach. With pleasure we welcome you in our house and we are grate­ful for the new reviews from you!

We welcome bookings, whether online or by phone at 0 394 55 / 58 99 70.

See you soon
Your family Michael and the whole team of the vacation resort Zum Wildbach from Schierke

Hello, I'm Anton and I can help you.